Brisbane Has Stars Multicultural Singing & Beauty Competition 2023


a. Brisbane Has Stars Multicultural Singing & Beauty Competition 2023 is organised by Cloud 8 Karaoke (referred to as "Organiser”). (referred to as"Licensor"). There are four stages in the Competition: 1st heat, 2nd heat, Semi Final and Final. It is open to vocal soloists and all beauties (shall be hereinafter referred to as "the Contestant"). 

All singing competition Contestants will sing their song choice in any language. The Contestant is not allowed to be accompanied by any instrument.

b. The Contestant hereby agrees to participate in the Competition on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.


To be eligible to participate in the Competition, the Contestant must fulfill each of the following requirements:

a. The Singing competition Contestant must be over 16 years of age as of 6 March 2023. If the Contestant is under 18 years of age, he/she must be accompanied by a legal guardian.

The Beauty competition contestant must be over 18 years of age as of 12 April 2023. The Contestant must hold a valid identification document such as a valid passport, a valid personal identification card or birth certificate and submit the same to the Organiser, Event Coordinator and/ or Licensor upon request for verification purpose.

c. The Organiser, Event Coordinator and Licensor may in its absolute discretion waive or relax one or more of the above requirements after taking into consideration the Contestant' s circumstances and background.

d. The Contestant must not be bound by any contract, which will prevent him/ her from entering into the contract with the Organiser, Event Coordinator or Licensor referred to in paragraph Competition (f)(ii) below.

e. The Contestant must not be an employee or sponsor of Cloud 8 Karaoke.

Entry Procedure

a. The Singing competition Contestant must complete the online Application Form and Pay the application fee of AUD$20 on the day of the Competition.

The Beauty competition Contestant must complete the online Application Form and Pay the application fee of AUD$80 on the day of the Competition. Or prove you have posted this contest in your social media for your entrance fee to be waived.

Singing Competition

a. The performance of the contestant at the Final of the Competition will be judged by panel of judges using the following standards:

i. Stage performance ii. Voice iii. Presentation iv. Vocal technique & Diction v. Personality,

b. Cloud 8 Karaoke may in its absolute discretion produce a television and/ or radio program(s) of the Competition and broadcast the same by webstream, television and/or radio. The property and all copyright in such digital, television and/ or radio program shall be vested Could 8 Karaoke,

c. 1st heat

i. The Contestants selected for the 1st heat must attend the time and place designated by the Organiser,

ii. No background music is allowed in the 1st heat.

d. 2nd heat

i. The Contestants selected for the 2nd heat selection must attend the time and place designated by the Organiser,

ii. The Contestants will be accompanied by a music selection from Cloud 8 Karaoke’s music catalogue,

iii. Golden Vision Entertainment Pty Ltd reserves the right to allow Judges to either eliminate or accept both Contestant's in a round in the event of a lock on who should advance.

e. Semi-final

i. The Organiser will select several Contestants to attend the semi-final after the 2nd heat selection,

ii. The Contestants selected for the semi-final must attend at the time and place designated by the Organiser,

iii. The Contestants selected for the semi-final must not participate into any other singing competitions in Australia or elsewhere in the world from the date when the Organiser or Licensor notifying him/ her in writing that he/ she has been selected to participate in the Competition until the conclusion of the Singing Championship,

iv. The Contestants will be accompanied by a music selection from Cloud 8 Karaoke’s music catalogue.

f. Final

i. After the semi-final, several contestants will be selected to participate in the final,

ii. As a condition precedent to the contestants participating in the final, the Contestants must enter a contract with the Organiser and Licensor upon their standard terms,

iii. The Contestants will be accompanied by self-prepared music in the final.


a. The Contestants hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Organiser or Licensor may in its absolute discretion:

i. Reject any application without assigning any reason therefore,

ii. Select any of the Contestants to participate in the 1st round selection,

iii. Designate the song to be performed by the Contestant at any stage in the Competition,

iv. Withdraw the Contestant from the 1st heat, 2nd heat, semi-final or final. of the Competition without assigning any reason therefore even though he/ she has been selected to participate,

v. Postpone, cancel, or bring forward the scheduled date(s) of or change the designated place for the 1st heat, 2nd heat, semi-final and final of the Competition.

b. The Contestant further acknowledges and agrees that:

i. The application fee referred to in paragraph Entry Fee (a) is non-refundable,

ii. The Organiser or Licensor shall not be liable under any circumstances for any loss or damage including personal injury or death sustained by the Contestant as a result of or arising out of the exercising by the Organiser or Licensor of any right or discretion referred to herein,

iii. This application as a whole is for the benefit of the Contestant,

iv. The Contestant shall abide by the decision of the Organiser or Licensor and that of panel judges at the 1st heat, 2nd heat, semi-final and final,

v. The Contestant shall wear such clothing, hair-styled accessories as approved or designated by the Organiser and/ or Licensor and/ or persons authorised by them or either one of them for the purpose of the Competition,

vi. The Contestant will not enter into any contract or service of a singing, acting or management nature with any person, partnership, firm, corporation or company during the period between the submission of this application and the completion of the Contest. The contestant will agree they have are not bound nor have ever been bound by a recording contract of whatever nature nor have I recorded any dramatic or musical works of whatever nature,

vii. The Contestant agrees that the personal data provided in the Application Form can be used by the Organiser and/ or Co-organiser in relation to the promotion, marketing, obtaining sponsorship and conduct of the Contest for broadcasting on television, and to disclose to journalists, other media, advertiser, panel judges for the Contest and the public. 


The Contestants hereby warrants and undertakes that:

a. All the information supplied by him/ her in the Application Form is true and accurate.

b. He/ She shall enter into the contract referred to in paragraph Competition f(ii) if selected to participate in the Final.


a. The Application Form is written in both English and Chinese. The Contestant understands that the Chinese translation is for reference purpose only and in event of conflict between the English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.


The terms and conditions herein contained shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.